Blog and Recipes

Health Food Hoax: The Surprising Pantry Items That Could Be Sabotaging Your Health food company marketing tricks May 04, 2023


Are you aware that some pantry staples you consider healthy may be harming your health? Seed oils, such as canola, soybean, corn, rice bran, cottonseed, safflower, and sunflower oils, are present in most packaged and processed foods found in supermarkets. Despite being marketed as “heart-healthy,...

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How To Navigate Easter easter food company marketing tricks mindset tips Apr 05, 2023

How to stay on track when drowning in Easter Eggs

Are you afraid you'll be pressured to eat the hot cross buns? Worried that the sugary easter eggs will be too tempting? 

Easter is a time of year that brings joy and celebration and some very welcome time off work. However, it can...

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Alternate sweeteners and low carb diets - What you need to know food company marketing tricks low carb sugar addiction Aug 24, 2022

Tempting isn’t it?

Many of us would love to have our low carb cake and eat it too, to be able to enjoy all the sweet foods our brain desires while still losing weight on a low carb diet. Artificial sweeteners seem to promise that we can have the cake and still heal our metabolism and lose weight. ...

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Health is Wealth food company marketing tricks low carb mindset tips Nov 17, 2021

Hello lovelies,

Dr Lucy here. Some people might be triggered by this post, so I wanted to give you a little bit of warning. It is not a post designed to blame and shame, but rather to highlight the importance of investing in yourself and your health.

You’ve all heard the saying “Health is Wealth”...

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The nightmare of Halloween  food company marketing tricks sugar addiction ultra processed food weight loss Oct 27, 2021

Halloween has slipped into Australian culture in the past 20 years. Every year there is more and more paraphernalia in the shops related to Halloween. 

Halloween is a marketing juggernaut. 

In 2019 Australians spent $159 million on chocolate and lollies for Halloween 

On top of this, there is mon...

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Not All Calories Are Equal dieting food company marketing tricks weight loss Nov 10, 2020

Following on from a previous blog post on how calorie counting forms the backbone of the diet industry, I wanted to talk about the quality of calories. 


As I mentioned, a calorie is a unit of energy. 

Why we use that as a measure of what we need to eat is beyond me?!


In weight loss circles ...

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Is Up & Go a healthy breakfast? food company marketing tricks low carb Nov 03, 2020

Is Sanitarium™️ Up & Go™️  a healthy brekky? 

Is Up and Go good for kids? 

We get asked this question all-the-time!


This product is marketed to the busy person who not only doesn’t have time to make breakfast, but they don't have time to eat it!

This in itself is a myth, but we’ll get to that...

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Is Milo Good for Kids? food company marketing tricks ultra processed food Oct 27, 2020

It grinds our gears when processed foods are dressed up as health foods and marketed to kids. 

Each week, we are going expose one of these and break down some of the marketing hype.

This week it’s Milo’s turn. 

"Since 1934, MILO® has been giving active kids what they need to get the most out of e...

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The Dangers of Maltodextrin food company marketing tricks low carb Aug 11, 2020

This week we are excited to introduce a guest article from Alison at Broth of Life.  Alison is very passionate about consuming bone broth for good health and produces organic dehydrated bone broth that could not be more convenient or delicious! 

Filled with vitamins and minerals as well as protein ...

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What to look out for when flavouring your food food company marketing tricks low carb Aug 03, 2020

Hi Lovely,

Dr Lucy here.

I recently went down the rabbit hole of food labelling. I did a presentation called The Doctor’s Guide to Reading Nutritional Labels”. 

Do you know you what?

It is frightening to see the products out there. Everyday products that we are eating. Products we feed our famil...

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How to manage your eating at Christmas time food company marketing tricks mindset tips weight loss May 06, 2020

Join Dr Lucy Burns for tips on avoiding the Christmas eating madness


Check out our Facebook Page and YouTube Channel for more information

or join our group for support

For Stress Eating discussion vis...

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Big food company marketing tricks - they want you to fail! food company marketing tricks low carb weight loss Apr 10, 2020

Surely everyone wants you to lose weight and reclaim your health...Right?




There are people out there who have a vested interested in you failing and making the wrong choices.


Some of these groups are Big Food Companies.


Now the obvious ones are the junk food companies and fast...

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