
Blog and Recipes

Creating healthy new habits can lead to sustainable weight loss behaviour change weight loss Jul 13, 2020

Want to lose weight? Find your "why" and find your people, then you will find your way

We all know, health is not something that happens in the doctor’s office three times a year. Health is the result of daily commitment and recommitment to healthy habits.

The thing about habits is, they...

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What's stopping you lose weight? Part 3 behaviour change weight loss Jul 08, 2020

Hello Gorgeous 


Welcome to part 3 in our series, “What’s Stopping you Losing Weight” 

At Real Life Medicine, our philosophy is that long term weight loss is about addressing the biological causes of weight gain (hormones) and the psychological causes...

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What's stopping you lose weight? Part 2 behaviour change weight loss Jun 24, 2020

Hello gorgeous girl.


Join us in a three-part series, we’re calling “What’s stopping you lose weight?”. 

There are three main mind blocks that people have around losing weight permanently. 


This is part 2. 

If you missed part one, head over to...

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Focus on Your Circle of Control rather than your circle of influence! behaviour change Jun 22, 2020

Take back the power – Focus on Your Circle of Control!


Health is so much more than regular visits with your doctor. Health is a day to day process that requires continual individual commitment.


We are in control of our choices and actions, but not in the control of the choices...

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What's stopping you lose weight? Part 1 behaviour change weight loss Jun 10, 2020

Join us in a three-part series, we’re calling “What’s stopping you lose weight?”. 

There are three main mind blocks that people have around losing weight permanently. 


Today, let’s talk about the first one and probably the most common one we see in...

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How Dr Mary lost weight and gained health with low carb real food about us behaviour change low carb real food weight loss Jun 01, 2020

Dr Mary's Monday Musings...

Change is possible, change is beautiful, helping people change is what I live for.

A few years ago I was overweight and overwhelmed. I had badly controlled polycystic ovarian syndrome and was stuck in a hideous sugar addiction / carb craving / hyperinsulinaemic...

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Quit being a YoYo dieter - learn real behaviour change behaviour change low carb real food weight loss May 27, 2020

This is one of my favourite analogies. In my past life as a yo-yo dieter, I was like an out of control driver veering from one side of the road to the other. Driving steadfast to one side then spinning the steering wheel, overcorrecting and hurtling to the other side. Nearly crashing before...

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How to manage your eating at Christmas time behaviour change food company marketing tricks weight loss May 06, 2020

Join Dr Lucy Burns for tips on avoiding the Christmas eating madness


Check out our Facebook Page  and YouTube Channel for more information


or join our group for support


For Stress Eating...

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3 tips for staying healthy while in isolation at home - the COVID 19 cocoon! behaviour change low carb real food Apr 15, 2020

3 Super Simple Tips For Healthy Eating While Sheltering At Home

Health is our greatest asset.


Recently, the Australian federal health minister Greg Hunt and AMA president Dr Tony Bartone told us that now, more than ever, we must focus on managing our chronic disease conditions.  ...

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Do New Yearโ€™s Resolutions work? behaviour change weight loss Jan 05, 2020

Hello all you lovely people.

The New Year. What a tricky time for us all. The idealist in us hales in the new year as an opportunity for a fresh start. A time to gather ourselves and resolve to do better, be better and feel better. These are wonderful intentions but sadly that’s often all...

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