Blog and Recipes

Quit being a YoYo dieter - learn real behaviour change low carb weight loss May 27, 2020

This is one of my favourite analogies. In my past life as a yo-yo dieter, I was like an out of control driver veering from one side of the road to the other. Driving steadfast to one side then spinning the steering wheel, overcorrecting and hurtling to the other side. Nearly crashing before...

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3 tips for staying healthy while in isolation at home - the COVID 19 cocoon! low carb mindset tips Apr 15, 2020

3 Super Simple Tips For Healthy Eating While Sheltering At Home

Health is our greatest asset.


Recently, the Australian federal health minister Greg Hunt and AMA president Dr Tony Bartone told us that now, more than ever, we must focus on managing our chronic disease conditions.  ...

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Big food company marketing tricks - they want you to fail! food company marketing tricks low carb weight loss Apr 10, 2020

Surely everyone wants you to lose weight and reclaim your health...Right?




There are people out there who have a vested interested in you failing and making the wrong choices.


Some of these groups are Big Food Companies.


Now the obvious ones are the junk food...

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Doctors' healthy food recommendations - green, red and orange lists! dieting low carb weight loss Apr 02, 2020

Real Food...

Low Carb, Real Food (LCRF)...

Is one of the linchpins to long term sustainable weight loss. 

Highly processed "diet foods and diet shakes" do not work. They hijack your satiety (fullness) and leave you hungry, tired and overweight. 

They wreak havoc on your body, leaving it...

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