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Jimmy Cakes & Kippers - Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns

bread dessert recipes Nov 10, 2021

Cooking, Coaching & Conversations with Dr Lucy Burns is live on Facebook at 5.30pm Tuesday nights. In this weeks episode, Dr Lucy showed how to whip up a low carb bread replacement, Jimmy Cakes.


  • 1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
  • 2 eggs
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp gelatin


  1. Preheat your pancake maker or waffle maker.
  2. Add the cheese, eggs & salt into a bowl and mix together.
  3. Add in the baking powder and gelatin to the mixture and stir through
  4. Place a small amount of the batter into your pancake maker and set the timer for approximately 4 minutes.
  5. Once the Jimmy Cakes are cooked fill it with your favourite fillings. Dr Lucy did mashed avocado, kippers, a sprinkle of zaatar and roasted capsicum.