Episode 130 Summary


Making Small Changes: Emma's Journey to Low-Carb Living - At the Low Carb Road Show events in Cairns, Adelaide, and Brisbane, we are thrilled to have Emma Martin, a passionate and experienced speaker, share her knowledge on low-carb eating. Emma's story is an inspiring one, as she stumbled upon the low-carb lifestyle while searching for ways to manage her prediabetes. She was initially scared by the misconceptions about keto but eventually found that it was both safe and enjoyable. Emma trained as a nutritionist during COVID and also authored a book, 'The F Word, Confessions of a Cheesecake Lover,' in which she shares her tips on how to make the transition to a low-carb or keto diet sustainable, easy and enjoyable. She is an outspoken advocate for keto, low carb and real food and wants everyone to bounce out of bed in the morning feeling as great as she does!


Making Small Swaps: The Easy Path to Long-Term Success - For many, the idea of completely overhauling their diet can be overwhelming. Emma advises that making small changes can be an easy way to get started and achieve long-term success. One of the most useful tools for those transitioning to a low-carb diet is alternate sweeteners. By using these sweeteners, you can still enjoy your favourite sweet foods without consuming the high levels of sugar and carbs that can derail your progress and send you off on a blood sugar roller coaster. Emma suggests that sweetener use can be re-evaluated later on, especially if you hit a roadblock or notice you're using sweetened foods for emotional comfort rather than at celebrations, for example.


Small Changes, Big Rewards: Emma's Tetris Analogy - Emma's superpower lies in her ability to teach people how practical and simple changes (she brilliantly refers to them as “pivots”) can help them transition to a low-carb or keto lifestyle. She uses a fantastic analogy to illustrate this point - making small changes is like playing Tetris. Each small change is like a Tetris block, and as you add more and more of them, they start to fit together, creating a solid foundation for a healthier life. Emma's focus on simplicity and practicality makes it easy for people to adopt and stick with a healthier way of eating.

Join the Low Carb Road Show - At the Low Carb Road Show, we believe that low-carb and keto diets offer many benefits to our physical and mental health and wellbeing. We want to provide people with the opportunity to hear from experts like Emma and our panels of amazing experts and medical professionals who can offer practical advice on how to follow a low-carb lifestyle and the benefits of doing so. Our events will provide you with the knowledge you need to make positive changes in your own life. We encourage you, our beautiful listeners, not to miss out on this wonderful opportunity. Tickets are on sale now! Grab your tickets today at www.lowcarbroadshow.com.


Book your ticket to the low carb road show! Thanks to our platinum sponsor, LAKANTO

Emma Martin Bio:

Emma Martin is a trainer specialising in keto and low carb. A trained nutritionist and health coach, her passion is to help people lose their 'wobbly bits' and bounce out of bed in the morning. From her own experience she is perfectly positioned to help you transform not only your mindset, but wagon fall-offs, plateaus and would love to help you banish and keep off the wobbly bits in a sustainable, easy way. 

Follow Emma:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheLazyKetoMum
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emmamartin_lazyketomum/
Website: https://www.emmamartinlazyketomum.podia.com/
The Lazy Keto Mum Podcasthttps://ketokapers.com.au/pages/the-lazy-keto-mum-podcast


Show notes:

Episode 130 - Living a Low Carb Lifestyle


Dr Mary Barson: (0:11) Hello, my lovely listeners. I'm Dr. Mary Barson.


Dr Lucy Burns: (0:15) And I'm Dr. Lucy Burns. Welcome to this episode of Real Health and Weight Loss. Good morning lovelies. Today I am speaking with another wonderful woman. An inspiring and fun and just super positive girl called Emma Martin. She'll be speaking at low carb Adelaide, Brisbane and Cairns. She's so enthusiastic about the low carb and ketogenic way of living, and she will have an enormous number of tips for you to take away. If you'd like to come to either low carb Adelaide, Low Carb Cairns or Low Carb Brisbane, then check out the website at https://www.lowcarbroadshow.com. Emma, welcome to the podcast. 

Emma Martin: (1:08) Hi, Dr. Lucy, how are you?

Dr Lucy Burns: (1:11) I'm very well, how are you?

Emma Martin: (1:13) Awesome, thank you. Sweating here in Queensland, actually,


Dr Lucy Burns: (1:17) Of course you are. Whereas in Melbourne here, I've still got, I'm sitting here with my socks on. Gorgeous woman, I thought we would start by just telling our audience a little bit about you and how you came across the low carb way of eating.


Emma Martin: (1:33) I was actually really struggling. I just didn't know why. And I found I was sort of doing a bit of research. So I was prediabetic, I just didn't know it. I hung off the pantry door and the fridge door every day for years. And I've been back and forth to a well known eating organisation beginning with WW for gosh, since my daughter was six months old, and I just started Googling and all of a sudden, I stumbled onto keto. And of course, when you google keto, you're gonna die. Then you go, Okay, well, maybe low carb is going to be easier. And I started just cutting out my sugars and my refined carbohydrates, which was a bit of a challenge because I love pasta, like we do. Had, like, what am I going to eat my eggs on if I don't eat it on bread? And I just started making those simple changes. And then I managed to hook in with a community that was here on the Gold Coast. And all of a sudden, like this community started teaching me the little things. And I started following people like you guys, and Jason Fung and Eric Berg and yeah, and went, “Oh my gosh, how is it possible that I feel so good? I've got to tell everybody about this.” And I got really loud and really vocal and just went, “You, gotta find out about it!” You know?


Dr Lucy Burns: (2:53) Wonderful. And then I, you wrote a book.


Emma Martin: (2:56) I did. What happened was COVID broke out. And I had all this time on my hands because my diary with my other business just collapsed, and went, okay, well, I'm going to do a Diploma of Nutrition and learn about this. And I'm going to write a book at the same time. And I did, I wrote a book called ‘The F word, Confessions of a Cheesecake Lover’, because you know, that was me. And in there, I share stories about, you know, looking for ways to make cheesecake, low carb and keto friendly. But it's more about empowering people to know that they can just make those little switches. And that it's not hard. It needs to be simple.


Dr Lucy Burns: (3:32) Yeah, absolutely. And I think one of the things that you're really good at Em is really getting into the practicality, the nitty gritty of how to actually do this.


Emma Martin: (3:42) Yeah, I think, you know, a lot of people roll their eyes at artificial sweeteners, but it was a lifesaver for me. I don't think I would have ever been able to get off sugar if I hadn't used those sweeteners. And I don't eat much of that anymore. I'm four and a half years into my journey. But I think for me, they were really useful. So it was about teaching people how to make cheesecake using not sugar.


Dr Lucy Burns: (4:06) Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And I think this is, you know, it's a monumental thought. So, I mean, there are people out there and they get very rigorous in their idea that you know, it's my way or the highway. And for many people using alternate sweeteners is a wonderful transition. And I think then people, if there's a roadblock or or there's something that's, you know, stopping them meeting their goals and may need to go, “Right, well, what else in my diet could I change?” But certainly for that first pitch, you're absolutely right.


Emma Martin: (4:45) I think you just hit the nail on the head. It's about okay, I need to level up. What else can I change? So I don't really have many sweeteners anymore, but I teach people and do cooking classes and courses and all that sort of stuff and I teach people, “Okay, these are the little changes you can make. However, when your results stop progressing, there's other things that you can change. Firstly, look at sweeteners. Look at your water intake”, you know, most of us, as you know, don't drink enough water. So it's just those little stupid simple things that we don't think anything about that help us level up and complete the game of Tetris. 


Dr Lucy Burns: (5:20) Yes, yeah. 


Emma Martin: (5:22) You know, where you’re slotting the bits in and you KACHING! You clear another level, KACHING! And I think that's really, those simple switches are just, they’re the key.


Dr Lucy Burns: (5:30) Absolutely. And you know, what's hilarious, like, so once upon a time, when I was a young Mum, I had postnatal depression and I went and saw a psychiatrist. And I was trying to do all the things. And he said to me, as I'm lugging this gigantic pile of washing out every morning, he goes, “Why don't you get a washing trolley?” And I go “What?” He goes, “Just get a washing trolley, it will make your life easier.” And I just thought, “Are you serious?”  Anyway, seriously, I fell in love with that washing trolley. It then became something I used for all sorts of things. So sometimes you need someone to point out the obvious.


Emma Martin: (6:10) Yeah, I love that story. Because it seems like the simplest thing, but of course, it's going to help you carry your washing, yet, and I think these tools are so underestimated. And I think that when you know, you get the real keto and low carb purists, that go, “Oh, no, you can't do that, oh no, you can't do that.” But at the end of the day, it's the washing trolley that makes the job simpler. And if it means that that's sustainable, then that's the key, isn't it?


Dr Lucy Burns: (6:37) Oh, absolutely. And you know, progress, not perfection. Perfection, it's so interesting. Again, our brains are hardwired for, well, actually are they hardwired? They're probably not hardwired. They're conditioned for perfection. And so many people have this idea that if they're not doing it perfectly, then there's no point.


Emma Martin: (6:55) You're right. I don't know where that comes from. Maybe it comes from the teachers rapping our knuckles with rulers at school. You know, for me, I think if I'd had to just go cold turkey, there's no way I would have made it. And so for me, it was those little changes. So when I started, you know, I was buying the Queen's maple syrup, which has 73 nasty ingredients in it, but you don't know what you don't know. So now I'll make a clean version of that, and teach people how to make, say, maybe a keto jam using two or three ingredients, so it's still better than the alternatives. I think the biggest benefit is watching people grow and change and seeing the level ups in their journeys. That is super rewarding that stuff, just like your washing trolley.


Dr Lucy Burns: (7:40) Absolutely. And in fact, not just rewarding, but life changing for your clients. And for Dr. Mary and I, our patients, it's just, you know, knowing that you're helping them, not just improve how they feel now, but their lifelong journey, that they're changing their trajectory.


Emma Martin: (8:01) I agree with you, you know, one of the, I mean, I lost a tonne of weight. Well weight, ha!  Fat mass, because we know about weight and fat mass and all of that sort of stuff. I think I lost four or five jeans sizes. But that wasn't the biggest benefit. It's not even about the fat loss. It's about the health, that I meant it like my sleep is better. But above all, it's my relationship with my daughter.


Dr Lucy Burns: (8:23) Ah, tell us about that.


Emma Martin: (8:25) Oh, yeah, let's so her dad was doing keto. So I sort of, he's like, “Oh, you should try it”. I'm like, “Nah.” You know, so I sort of had, I've watched him and he was doing it because my stepson had, well he has Asperger's and ADHD. And he learned about it for brain health. And so when he was telling me about it, I sort of foobared it in a way but my daughter was eating keto at his place. And she was coming home going, “Mom, I feel so much better when I'm at dad's”. So I'm like, “Alright, let's give it a go”. So we just did those little replacements. We made noodles out of cabbage or zucchini, or, you know, all the little replacements that seem so silly to me now are just the things that make the biggest difference, but the relationship with her. So I'm 51 now at that point, I was 46 heading into perimenopause. And she was, you know, mid teens. So you've got this 50 year old menopausal pre diabetic woman and this teenager who's been got raging hormones, you know, the trajectory of that wasn't going to be good. But now I have the space to deal and talk to her how she deserves


Dr Lucy Burns: (9:41) Yeah, yeah, to have a mum that's not going up and down on the sugar roller coaster.


Emma Martin: (9:45) Yep. And a teenager that's not doing the same, you can imagine how you know, our relationship is, I want to say healed, but it was never broken. But now I've got the presence of mind to hear her and be really present and to impact her life. And, you know, I don't know how many cooking classes at school she's been kicked out of, because she raves about the opposite of the food pyramid. It's wonderful. So proud.


Dr Lucy Burns: (10:12) Absolutely. So enhanced, you've enhanced your relationship, which is wonderful. What's really interesting there is the idea that sometimes seeing somebody else do something is then what helps you to make that change. So she, you know, was seeing her dad do it. So she was doing it. So you did it. 


Emma Martin: (10:33) Yeah. And with that research, I guess you learn all the other stuff along the way. So I'm a researcher, and like you said before, my, my superpower is to translate science into everyday words. So okay, well, what does spiking blood sugar mean? What does insulin mean? Okay, well, if you, you know, you eat the wrong foods, you spike your blood sugar, and now you're in storage mode. It's as simple as that, and clean up all your bits by just minimising and changing. So I think you're right, when you see other people, you’re sort of watching going, “Ah, that's kind of a bit too good to be true”, because people doing low carb and keto are raving about how they feel. And I think it only takes that one spark to light the fire. And then the fire catches.


Dr Lucy Burns: (11:20) Oh, yeah, yeah. I know. And the great thing is that, you know,  because you do you feel like a zealot at times. But I guess the thing is that you and I have gone, “Well, how can we be zealoty without ostracising every single person we know?” And it's that you make it your job. It's now your career, and people pay to hear you bang on about low carb.


Emma Martin: (11:41) It's so true. And I think you know, automatically when you go, “Wow, how's this even happening? How do I actually, how am I bouncing out of bed when I've been dragging myself out of bed for the last, you know, 10 years, 20 years?” It's like, “How do I feel so good eating the exact opposite of what they said?”


Dr Lucy Burns: (11:57) Yeah, yeah. And look, I mean ah, it's interesting. I look and think, for me, I certainly ate well, but I supplemented it with a shit tonne of sugar. And recognising that actually, that was the problem, not necessarily what I was eating. But then it was like, “Well, why did I eat that way in the first place?”And I And again, I was always like you Weight Watchers, lifetime member, always trying to lose weight and either trying to lose weight or on a bender, they were like the only two? I didn't know any different.


Emma Martin: (12:32) Yeah. And I think what I really liked about Weight Watchers actually was the fact that sort of, there wasn't really anything out of bounds. And this is the same in a way. Because with breads and stuff, as you know, you can get low carb bread, you can make noodles, you can substitute just about anything. And I think it's a mindset change when you go okay, well, I'm going to try this way of eating. But actually, I think we just over complicate it so much, don't we? And maybe that's just the way we've been brought up.


Dr Lucy Burns: (13:03) Yeah, maybe. I think the thing for Weight Watchers for me was the fact there wasn't a lot on the actual nutrition side of things in all the meetings, it was all it was really all about the loopholes. And how can you have chocolate mousse and still lose weight? And it was, well, you buy this, buy this processed one that's full of all the hoo ha. And it basically tasted like a glass of chocolate fresh air. And you would eat it, and then just want more.


Emma Martin: (13:33) Yeah. And I think that's the freedom isn't it? When you start to eat this way, it's the freedom from the food slavery. And that sounds so dramatic when I say it like that. But it's the not hanging off the pantry door at 3pm. It's the second drawer that's not stashed with goodies anymore. Because now, you know, four years down the track, and it's been a process, but I don't crave those things anymore. And that sort of food freedom I never had with Weight Watchers, it was more about the guilt of what I had done in the loopholes.

Dr Lucy Burns: (14:07) Yes, yeah. And always trying to find it out, how can I and you know, it comes back to that, how can you have your cake and eat it too? And whilst you certainly can, doing that on a low carb lifestyle with the alternatives, which I know you teach and teach people how to cook cakes, and it's really about the idea that okay, well, yes, I can do those things. But I also need to look at why am I doing those things? Why am I eating the cake? Am I eating the cake because it's someone's birthday? In which case it's normal. It's part of celebration, or am I eating the cake because I've come home after a crappy day at work and now I just need to drown my sorrows in cake and wine.


Emma Martin: (14:42) Yeah, it's so interesting that you mentioned that. Looking back at my food issues, which I didn't sort of even realise I had, my grandma we'd go to the beach when I was young. So she lived on the canals in Mooloolaba. And we would go to the beach, Mooloolaba Beach, the Spit and on the way home, she would take me to the little ice cream shop. Now I can still smell those waffle cones. And to me, you know, she put her arm around me and she pull me in and go, “Now my lovely, what are you going to get today?” So the feeling of that love. And, you know, when I, when I go through IKEA, I smell the vanilla that they plant at the restaurant, I get that loved feeling that I had from my grandma, and it triggers my stomach. And it triggers my hungries. Now, that's, I don't know, 40, 30-40 years later. So you're quite right, those triggers and the reason we're eating it's, you know, I know now when I drink a coffee with cream in it, it's because that's that's love and yumminess to me, and it satisfies other things that my appetite.


Dr Lucy Burns: (15:54) Yeah, absolutely. And this is a thing, you know, there's no right or wrong. There's no good or bad, but it's really just developing awareness of what you're doing. Because when you've got awareness, then you can make a decision with your eyes wide open.


Emma Martin: (16:08) Yeah, I agree. And, you know, my sweet treats classes, they're so popular, but the ones I love the most are teaching people how to eat real food, how to cook healthy protein, and then build a plate. So pick a protein, add a healthy fat, above the ground veg. They're my favourite classes, because I'm teaching people how to eat real.


Dr Lucy Burns: (16:31) Absolutely, absolutely. All right, wow, Em, I mean, you are a wealth of information, you are walking the walk talking the talk, and I know you're a good talker, which is wonderful. So for those of you who want to come and hear Emma speaking, as I mentioned, she will be at both Adelaide and Brisbane, and possibly some other venues too yet to be decided. But you can find out all the information that you need on the Low Carb Road Show website. And Em, if people want to contact you, where do they find you?


Emma Martin: (17:01) You can look me up on Facebook. My name is Emma Martin and The Lazy Keto Mum is my brand. I also have a website called www.ketokapers.com.au that I use. So that's with Ks. And you'll find me there, but I can't wait to see you guys.


Dr Lucy Burns: (17:16) Excellent. Look, we have a health crisis. And the more people that know about low carb eating and the different ways in which you can implement tips, techniques, tricks to make it easy, the better.


Emma Martin: (17:29) Absolutely, sustainability.


Dr Lucy Burns: (17:31) Wonderful. So and if you've got one last tip to share with our listeners, what would be your top tip to make a low carb lifestyle sustainable.


Emma Martin: (17:40) Keep it simple. When you Google keto and low carb, of course, you are swimming against the stream. And there will be people that don't understand. But you do you. And if you make a mistake or you slip up or something accidentally falls in your face or you beat yourself up, you know that's a learning. And those learnings are where the gold lies. That's my biggest tip.


Dr Lucy Burns: (18:11) Absolutely. I love that. I love that. Well thank you very much for today, my lovely listeners. We will be back of course with another guest from the Low Carb Road Show next week. We'll see you then. So my lovely listeners that ends this episode of Real Health and Weight Loss. I'm Dr. Lucy Burns.


Dr Mary Barson: (18:36) and I'm Dr. Mary Barson. We’re from Real Life Medicine. To contact us, please visit https://www.rlmedicine.com.


Dr Lucy Burns: (18:47) And until next time, thanks for listening. The information shared on the Real Health and Weight Loss podcast, including show notes and links provides general information only. It is not a substitute, nor is it intended to provide individualised medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, nor can it be construed as such. Please consult your doctor for any medical concerns.


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