Real Life Menopause Health

Real Life Medicine Telehealth Clinic

Menopause Health Care

Our team is skilled and trained in well-researched therapies and techniques that we tailor to each individual. We provide collaborative care with your GP and will liaise closely with them. 

If you are new to the clinic, please book a GP Menopause Health First Appointment.

For your first appointment at the clinic, you will need to fill in a patient registration as part of your booking process. This will take about 10 minutes.

You will need to add your medication list, Medicare details, bank details and credit card details. All appointments require a 50% deposit to be paid at the time of booking 

In this appointment, we will make a comprehensive assessment of your health around menopause and perimenopause and together we will make a plan. 

Once you have had your first appointment, you can then book subsequent appointments for follow up, medication adjustments etc 


**We are currently in the pilot phase of launching our telehealth clinic. We want to make sure all the systems work well. At this stage, we are offering limited appointments with Dr Lucy only, but rest assured we will be offering the full service very shortly **

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Our Menopause  Health Team


 Menopause Health Doctors



Dr Lucy is a GP with expertise in weight management, mental health and menopause care. She combines her passion for lifestyle medicine with her knowledge of the latest up-to-date hormonal and pharmaceutical options to deliver expert care to women in midlife. She currently works across all 3 clinics on Monday and Friday mornings and Thursday afternoons.  

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Consultation Fees

Menopause Doctor

Frequently Asked Questions