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Are you stuck in the cycle of non-stop sugar cravings?



Are you worried about how much sugar you or your family eat?



Want a little reset?


Want it to be easy?


Join the 7 Day Sugar Free Reset Now!
Join the Sugar Free Reset - Only $27!

Are you stuck in the cycle of non-stop sugar cravings?



Are you worried about how much sugar you or your family eat?



Want a little reset?


Want it to be easy?

Read on 


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Does this sound like you?


    Do you find yourself sitting on the couch every night with a bowl of ice cream or a block of chocolate? Do you promise yourself you'll have one cookie but end up eating 4...or more 🙈 You've had enough. You're sick of being tired and ready for a break.


    Maybe you feel like you can't live without bread or pasta. You've got belly bloat and you know it makes you feel terrible but let's face it, it's so quick and convenient. You want to stop and have a rest but you're not sure how you'll survive. We get it and we've got you!


We get it-life is so busy that there's no time to scratch yourself, let alone plan delicious Masterchef quality meals. It feels like you're on the hamster wheel of life just making it

If you can relate...then The Sugar Free Reset is for you.

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Imagine what is feels like when


    No more chatter inside your brain. The pantry is no longer calling your name. The front footwell of your car is not filled with chocolate wrappers (IYKYK!). 


    Did you know that sugar makes you sluggish? We know you use it for a quick pick-me-up because you're tired (we did too!) but long term it slows your metabolism. Imagine feeling revitalised, vibrant and glowing. 



If you want this...then The Sugar Free Reset is for you.

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JOIN NOW only $27

What's inside The Sugar Free Reset? 

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You get a easy-to-digest mini course about sugar. Bite-sized lessons educating you about the ways sugar affects our body. And believe us when we tell you it eye-opening 

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There is no rigid, prescriptive meal for this reset. Instead, we give you options and include 60 family friendly recipes to make going sugar free easy-peasy!

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At Real Life Medicine we know the power of our subconscious mind. You get one of the most powerful hypnosis recordings to combat cravings

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Do you want to be part of a community? You have the to join our free Facebook group moderated by us at Real Life Medicine where you can questions and get support

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For 7 days we send you an email with motivational tips so you feel encouraged and empowered to keep going. We make this simple and fun so you will be successful. 

Join Now for $27

What Others are Saying

Seven days of supported Care 

See you there.


What do you get?

  • A complete framework with tools and strategies to make doing the reset easy!
  • Our sugar free reset minicourse with trusted evidence-based facts so you stop googling 
  • A powerful hypnosis session to make cravings disappear
  • Over 60 recipes to make going sugar free easy, simple and delicious.
  • Daily Email Pep Talks straight into your Inbox 
  • Join the Real Life Medicine FaceBook Community 
  • All this for $27 (most recipe books alone cost more than this!)
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Who are we?

We are Dr Mary Barson and Dr Lucy Burns. We are medical doctors with an intense interest in weight management and addressing the root cause of the problem. 

⚡️Newsflash-The root cause is NOT that you are lazy and greedy and have no willpower 

Why are we so interested in weight management? 

Well, 2 reasons:

1/ Like many of you, we have both been on a weight loss journey. 

2/ We see the profound effects this problem has on the health of our patients resulting in more disease, more medications and more complications.

Dr Mary has PCOS, a hormonal condition that results in weight gain from puberty. She tried for decades to manage her weight. She exercised like crazy. She followed traditional diet advice. She finally found the solution by changing what and when she ate-not how much she ate. This allowed her to rebalance those hormones, shed the kilos and even have a baby. 

Dr Lucy was the diet queen. She has been on every diet known to (wo)man.  She was excellent at losing weight but keeping it off was the issue. She had "fat clothes" and "thin clothes" in her wardrobe. She was most definitely the all-or-nothing girl. Perfect- restricting like mad. Then when life got in the way she was on a bender, regaining all the lost weight. Changing her thinking around dieting has resulted in her weight being stable for years... even when she goes on holidays or life gets messy. 

As lifestyle medicine doctors, we guide you along the path to improved metabolism. We give you a metabolic map if you will.

As doctors of psychological medicine, we help you shift your thoughts and manage your emotions-Fine tuning your inner compass.

With the right map and a well functioning compass, you are now on the correct path to long lasting weight loss and good health.


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